Online Solution for Digital Mapping

October 27, 2022
3 min read

GIS Cloud publisher for QGIS
One of the main benefits of any GIS software has become sharing data and collaborating on maps in real-time. GIS Cloud’s platform offers a single-click solution for sharing maps and data with clients or the public. With GIS Cloud publisher for QGIS, any GIS user can quickly publish and share their maps without changing the symbology, spatial reference, and layer structure. A perfect desktop and online alternative to ESRI, with a much friendlier budget.
Businesses that use mapping software understand the importance of fast and accurate analytical performance. Those that use desktop GIS software do so because of their valuable tools and complex analytical capabilities. Still, online GIS solutions are quickly influencing the market. In recent times more and more companies are constantly in demand of products that improve the workflow and do not have a steep learning curve.
Our plugin bridges the gap between desktop QGIS and the rest of the world. Transferring your QGIS maps to our platform is so easy that even those that are not GIS experts can do it. The transfer process can be completed in a matter of minutes, and it preserves your symbology. Furthermore, you can share your maps publicly via a map link or privately with your colleagues, allowing colleagues to contribute or view the project. Once you publish your map in GIS Cloud, you can seamlessly update the same map or specific layers on our platform. Moreover, after you publish your map, all of the changes made in QGIS will be synced with the published map. You can check out our step-by-step guide in our manual or webinar recording if you want to see it in action.
Another unique feature is to use your published QGIS maps to collect or inspect data in the field with our Moblie Data Collection app. Our users can upload their collected data directly in QGIS, continue working on it, and perform further analysis.
GIS Cloud offers users to use the same technological resources for a fraction of the price. Instead of buying an expensive desktop GIS software with tools, you won’t use most of the time, GIS Cloud offers a cost-effective solution for GIS experts and non-GIS users. Working with GIS Cloud can save up to 50% of your budget and improve effective work time in your company.
If you still haven’t tried it out, create your GIS Cloud account, find the GIS Cloud publisher and install it for free. Also, you can sign up for a 14-day trial and learn more about other GIS Cloud apps and features.
Of course, if you have any questions or feedback about GIS Cloud, you can contact our consultants at

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