Key Benefits of Using GIS Cloud’s Map Portal

December 10, 2022
5 min read

gis cloud data visualization
Discover the essential benefits of GIS Cloud’s Map Portal, a dynamic and user-friendly platform revolutionizing the way GIS professionals and enthusiasts interact with mapping technology. This article delves into the core advantages of Map Portal, offering an in-depth look at why it stands out in the GIS community.

Key Benefits of Map Portal


Custom GIS App

In-Depth Exploration of Map Portal

Following this overview of the key benefits, let’s dig deeper into each aspect of Map Portal, exploring user experiences and the platform’s unique features.

Intuitive and User-Friendly Interface

“The user interface is easy to use even for non-GIS experts, offering a fast and high-quality data visualization solution, accessible anytime, from any device.” – Marcelo Alejandro Portela, Consulting Specialist
user interface data visualization
Marcelo Alejandro Portela’s feedback highlights the platform’s intuitive design, which is made to accommodate users with different levels of GIS expertise. This ease of use is a key aspect of Map Portal, ensuring that complex GIS tasks are made simpler and more approachable for everyone.

Efficiency in Map Creation and Detailing

“Map Portal has allowed me to create very detailed and information-rich web mapping applications with limited resources.” – Josh Forner, City of Darwin
rich web mapping applications
Josh Forner’s experience with Map Portal underlines its efficiency and ability to produce detailed maps quickly. This feature is especially useful for organizations and individuals working with limited resources, allowing them to achieve high-quality results without extensive investments.

Flexible Data Handling and Integration

Map Portal’s support for a wide range of data formats, including both vector and raster tiles, shows its flexibility. This adaptability ensures that users can work with various data types, enhancing the platform’s usefulness across different GIS applications.

Customization and Personalization Features

The platform’s extensive customization options, including white-label applications, provide users with the ability to personalize their maps. This feature is important for organizations looking to keep their branding consistent across their GIS outputs.

User-Focused Development and Improvement

“The main challenge we overcame with GIS Cloud apps was to have a single online system that allowed us to display a lot of structured layers in the same map… The platform is evolving and is continually improved.” – Yorik Baunay, Ubyrisk Consultants
single online system structured layers
Yorik Baunay’s comments highlight the platform’s ongoing development and adaptability. This user-focused approach to improvement ensures that Map Portal stays ahead in GIS technology, constantly evolving to meet its users’ changing needs.

Integration with Other GIS Cloud Applications

Map Portal’s seamless integration with other GIS Cloud applications, like Mobile Data Collection, Map Editor, and Map Viewer, is a significant advantage. This integration allows for a smooth and efficient GIS workflow, enabling users to easily switch between different tasks and applications within the GIS Cloud ecosystem.

Resources and Learning Opportunities

GIS Cloud offers a variety of resources designed to enhance user understanding and proficiency with the platform. Key among these resources is the “Map Portal Webinar: Discover Key Benefits and Features!” webinar, which provides an in-depth overview of the platform’s capabilities and best practices for its use.
Additionally, the GIS Cloud Learning Center stands as a comprehensive repository of knowledge, offering tutorials, guides, and tips to help users navigate and effectively utilize Map Portal. These educational materials are tailored to cater to both beginners and advanced users, ensuring that everyone can make the most of the platform’s extensive features.


GIS Cloud’s Map Portal represents a major step forward in the field of GIS. It offers a powerful, user-friendly platform that meets the diverse needs of GIS professionals and enthusiasts. The platform’s intuitive interface, efficiency in map creation, flexibility in data handling, customization options, and seamless integration with other GIS Cloud applications make it an essential tool in the GIS toolkit.
In addition to the platform’s capabilities, users and clients have the opportunity to reach out to our Solutions Consultants. Whether you’re tackling complex GIS tasks or seeking to streamline your workflow, our Solution Consultants are here to assist you every step of the way.
Experience the power of Map Portal for yourself. We invite you to try it for free with our 14-day free trial and discover how it can enhance your GIS workflow.

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