GIS Cloud Exhibiting at the Australian Utility Week in Melbourne in November

October 19, 2017
2 min read

We are happy to announce our upcoming exhibition at the Australian Utility Week, taking place in Melbourne, Australia (29-30 November) at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.

GIS Cloud at Australian Utility Week in Melbourne


Our participation and exhibition at the Australian Utility Week is a part of GIS Cloud’s Australia and New Zealand tour in November. We consider this a great chance to meet our growing community in Australia and New Zealand.


The event is now in its 15th year and will attract 2000+ utility professionals from the electricity, gas and water sectors. The speakers are a mix of Australian and international utility leaders, Smart Grid technology innovators, and R&D professionals. It’s the largest event of its kind in Australasia region and the only event that focuses exclusively on digital and customer facing innovations.



This year, Australian Utility Week includes 3 distinct streams (Field Operations, Smart Grid & Meters, Digital Utility) that are free to attend. Also, there will be a co-located event – Energy Services Australia (ESA).


You can meet the GIS Cloud team at booth D02, and see a demo of our newest solutions such as Crowdsourcing, as well as get a sneak peek into our new technologies yet to be presented to a wider community. Among other activities that we are preparing, our Business Development Manager, Igor Farkaš, will lead a focus group for GIS in Utilities, dedicated to getting feedback and addressing the needs of the professionals who will shape the future of the utilities industry.


Entrance to the exhibition part of the event is free for everyone. If you wish to visit the event as our guests, please register using the GIS Cloud customized e-ticket.

To arrange a B2B meeting with our team in Australia or New Zealand, please send us an email at


Stay tuned for more information on Australian Utility Week and our November tour of Australia and New Zealand.

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